Sunday, May 07, 2006

Still Here

Well, we are still alive here at Hide Manor. Life is really busy right now. We have all of our normal spring things going on around the house that we do love to get into like yardwork, flowerbeds, tree pruning, stuff like that. We also have just finished up doing the annual Ladies Spring Tea at church. It was yesterday and went off without a hitch. Things looked really nice and we were able to get out of there with everything cleaned up by around 4:30. Better than I thought it would be!

Next Tuesday we have the school program for the kids. Tammi is up to her armpits in costumes once again, and that means I am working on them too! It doesn't look like it is going to be as bad as the Christmas program. There are only about 10 characters in this one. That makes things a whole lot better.

I am trying to get the school yearbook done this week too. I admit I could have been working on it earlier, but things just kept getting in the way. It was easier to do last year since I was out of work after my shoulder surgery. Now I am healthy and the last thing I want to do is put that thing together. On the bright side it is going together pretty well. We have been very proud of our kids the last few weeks as we have been so busy and they have been very patient all things considered. God has truly blessed us with these kids!

Work has been a bit slow, but things are starting to look up at Wal-Mart. I got a display Friday, and I have promises for two more this week. Keep praying that it will improve! Tammi is looking forward to getting out of school and having more time at home with the kids when her time of teaching is over.

Well, I am going to sign off now. Here is a picture of some tulips in our flowerbed. Things are starting to look like summer around here!

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