Sunday, May 21, 2006

Yep, Still Knockin' Around

Yep, we are still alive in Hide Manor. Life is still hectic, but things are looking up. We have finished the Spring Tea at the church, and the school Spring Program is over. Now I need to get the school yearbook done and then I can get caught up on things that I want to do. I have a few tree stumps in my yard that are calling my name!

Biggest thing going right now is that we are going to be getting rid of the family dog. Polly is a cute, nice dog, but she has never been a good dog. She is too independent and destructive to be a family dog. It is depressing, but this weekend she actually tried to eat my bed, and I can't take it anymore. So, she is on her way to the animal shelter tomorrow and we will be looking for a new pet. We are going to look for a Cocker Spaniel since we really had a good one with Bonnie.

So, like I said thigns are hectic around here. I have only been able to post on average of about once every two weeks lately, but that is about all I can find time for. I'll try to get better in the future. I guess I haven't been missed though! Signing off from Hide Manor.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Cute pic! Thanks for sharing pictures, it is great to see them. How about one of you and Tammi next?!