Saturday, July 08, 2006

Well, It has been awhile

Hello to all of my adoring readers. I know it has been some time since my last post, and I can promise you that there are so many reasons for the delay that it would bore the average reader to tears if I were to list the entire collection of mishaps, screw-ups, maladies, and travesties. Suffice it to say that God is good, and even though the last four weeks or so have been very trying, He is still on the throne and watching over us.

I guess the biggest thing that is going on this weekend is that my wife took the kids and left me. Not only did she pack her bags and leave the house, she left the country. (pregnant pause inserted here) Actually that is all true, just a bit out of context. She went with my parents to the cabin in Canada. Talk about jealous! The cabin is my favorite place on earth if I can't be in my own home. They left Friday and will be coming home on Monday. I had to stay home and work - the elfin magic does not work to get extra days off!

Work has been a bit challenging lately. Two weeks ago I took my van in for brakes, and I got the breaks! When they put things back together they forgot to do a little procedure called OILING THE BEARINGS! Funny thing, metal in contact with other metal turning at high revolutions needs some type of lubricant to reduce friction. Evidently when this lubricant is forgotten the build up of heat can be so extreme as to weld the bearings right to the hub! So, I have been driving a loaner for work and it makes the job very difficult. I am praying that I get some really good news on Monday.

Anyway, for my time alone this weekend I have really been having a blast! Yesterday I helped my Pastor move a bunch of boulders. We literally moved at least 2 tons of rock form two different locations to the church where we are building a rock pile ala the Hebrews. Then I went home and cleaned out the fish pond in our back yard. That was a fun and slimy mess! This morning after going into the church to meet someone for music practice who did not show up I rented a Rug Doctor and came home and cleaned all of our rugs. Finally I finished it all up by trimming our amazing wall of hedge. That was about it. I was instructed to go golfing this weekend to have some fun time, but who has the time?

I must say though that I am not complaining about life in general. Of course there are things that get under my skin, but I can honestly say that God carries me through when I get low. I know there are a lot of people dealing with problems a whole lot bigger than anything I have been facing, but the neat thing is that God is still bigger than those problems too. All we have to do is keep trusting Him to carry us. Not to sound sacrilegious, but I think it is kinda neat to say to God sometimes, "OKAY, I AM DOING ALL I CAN. SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN DO!" I guess the best advice I have to give is to just trust God and ask Him for the grace that you need to get through your problems. He sometimes will even send someone to listen to you at the right time to help you through.

Okay, off the soapbox. (Well it is my blog and I have the right! I mean nobody is being forced at gunpoint to stay here!) I guess I will sign off now as I need to get ready to split the sheets and get some beauty sleep - no laughing just move along. I hope all two or three of my readers have enjoyed my dissertation and have walked away with some little nugget that will act as a bright spot in their day. If not, I offer this:

A cowboy walked into a bar and ordered a whisky. When the bartender delivered the drink, the cowboy asked, "Where is everybody?"

The bartender replied, "They've gone to the hanging."

"Hanging? Who are they hanging?"

"Brown Paper Pete," the bartender replied.

"What kind of a name is that?" the cowboy asked.

"Well," said the bartender, "he wears a brown paper hat, brown paper shirt, brown paper trousers, and brown paper shoes."

"How bizarre," said the cowboy. "What are they hanging him for?"

"Rustling," said the bartender.

And with that I wish you all a good night!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I did gasp the first time I read this! LOL...thanks for giving my heart a jump start.

A special request for a pic of the newest addition to your household. Pretty please?