Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just a peek!

Well, I don't have enough time to give you a big look into what has been going on, but here is a peek.

I have cut back on some stuff at church including stepping down as a deacon. I am not leaving the church or upset with anyone, I am just flat worn out. The amount of things I have been involved in have continued to grow to a point that I was not getting sleep because I would lie in bed and think all night about what I was not giving enough time to. I am still teaching Sunday School and working in AWANA and the sound room. I know, this is cutting back? All I can say is I am sleeping better!

Tammi has a lump on her thyroid that we are going to go see a surgeon about. She had this about 7 years ago, but it has come back and is a bit different this time. All early indications point toward this being no big deal, but it might require that she have part of her thyroid removed. Please keep her in prayer as she does not want to end up having to take medication for it.

Zachary has glasses! He has been squinting a lot lately, and after going to see the doc we have found out that he is nearsighted. Wonder where he gets it from? Mom & Dad both wear glasses or contacts too! Anyway, he got some really cool blue frames and thinks they make him look smarter.

Jessica is just continuing to roll along as her sweet self. She continues to improve at school, and she is starting to see, at least in a small way, that Mathematics is our friend! We have been very fortunate to have such a smart, sweet kid.

Work is work. There are some things that have changed to make my Fridays a bit better, and I am hoping that in another month or so I will finally have this route all figured out and then I can start to see it grow. It just takes some time to get people figured out and make them see that they can trust me.

Well, gonna run. Your peek is up, and I am starting to feel like you are staring at me!!


Megan said...

still staring :)

Megan S

Debbie said...

Staring at that cute mug shot!

Glad to get the update. I will be keeping Tammi in my thoughts and prayers.

I hope things get a bit smoother for you since you resigned from the deacon board. You can't spread yourself too thin -- even if it is all "good stuff".

Take care and hugs to all!
