Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Greetings and Updates

I know it has been a bit since I have been here, but I have a good reason - I have had a lot of other stuff to do. I didn't say it was an exciting reason! Anyway, here are a couple of nuggets.

Tammi's test result on her neck have come back as non-diagnostic. Basically that just means that they don't know what is going on in there. We are waiting for a call fromthe doctor to see what he recommends from this point. We are still praying for no surgery, but we are not sure what the guy with the MD says.

Work has been very (Insert the sound of a bronx cheer). I am doing very well as far as hitting my numbers, though. As of today I am still the #1 guy in the state of Michigan in budget performance. If only that counted! Anybody got any ideas for a new career?

Kids are doing well. Jessica was in the regional spelling bee and unfortuantely was not the winner, but she did a very good job on her first time out. We were proud!

Well, I am going to go now, but before I do I will make a plug for the other blog that I am woking on more than this one lately. We have started one for our Sunday School class. So far I am pretty sure that I am the only one who is actually reading it (if you count proof-reading). It has prayer request and praise information on it, and from time to time it will have pics and activity info. You can find it if you look right here.

Well, Gonna run! Later!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Glad to hear Tammi may not need surgery. I know how frustrating the non-diagostic tests are. My Mom (and us kids) were getting so tired of test after test with no conclusive answers when she was in the hospital shortly after we moved out here.

Congrats to Jessica in her first spelling bee!