Thursday, November 30, 2006

What is up for today?

Well, another week is drawing to a close. Last night I had a bit of fun. I had the opportunity to find out how fast I could take the seat out of "Fred" (see previous posts). It seems the power seat switch has a bit of a quirk in it that engages and tries to take the seat all of the way back. By all the way back I mean that if the track would allow it the seat would go out the rear hatch! The switch keeps the motor engaged even though it can't go anywhere which kills the battery. So, I have now removed teh switch and the Blazer is set up so I am the only one that can drive it! (You cannot hear the evil laughter on this blog. That requires a phone call!)

Well, the week has been fast. It is almost like the last few days haven't really existed. Work has been good, with only a few minor hiccups. The best part hass been all of the time I have been able to be at home this week. The really cool thing is that I will be home Saturday all day!

Well, gonna run! Talk to you later!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What is up with the weather?

Well, it is the 28th of November and today we reached a high of 50 degrees! That is also the expected high for tomorrow. Now, I do not want to sound ungrateful because I am not, but this is weird! It was colder than this a month ago, and we had almost a foot of snow on the ground. If I had known this was how things would turn out I think I would have put off the entire yard work thing! At least it made putting up the Christmas lights a little easier.

So far there have been no takers on coming up for a name for the new ride. I got the last of my stuff moved over from the other care tonight and now I am all moved in! Everything I need is there with the exception of a CD player. I might try hitting some of the junk yards and see what I can find.

I guess that is about all I have to really say today. There are a lot of things going on, but I do not really feel like getting into some of them in the blog - things people write in blogs tend to come back to bite you in your hindparts if you are not careful! Well, take care if you are even there!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The New Wheels!

Here is a pic of my new baby. We are thinking of names for her since we called the old rust bucket "Black Beauty". At this point the best I have come up with is Fred. Any ideas?

Maybe we will have a contest and I will pick a winner from the entries I receive. If nothing else that might get some people to post a comment or two to let me know I get a hit from time to time. I know that some of it is because I do not post often, but I am trying to get better about that. I have a friend who hasn't posted anything for quite some long time! Anyway, Let's say that the winner will be picked on Christmas Eve. Come one, come all! Or maybe just both of you!

If nothing else it would be nice to hear from some people I don't get to see. Fret not, I will still post because this is therapy!


Saturday, November 25, 2006

He had a plan the whole time!

I just want to take a minute and tell you a story. God has just given me a major answer to prayer.

For the last year or so I have been praying for a new truck. My old S-10 was getting ready to take a dirt nap, and I am woefully short in the realm of folding money. I knew that it was going to take divine intervention to make something happen since we are in the middle of trying to get out of debt as it is. We simply did not have the wiggle room to make a payment.

Well, as time went on things were not happening and I thought maybe I was trying to put a limit on what I would accept from Him because I wanted a Chevy! Hey, can you blame me? Anyway I realized that I was letting my own personal desires get in the way of what God might have in store for me and I finally broke down and said that if He wanted me to have something other than a Chevy then who am I to complain about a gift from God?

Time continued to go by and I had an opportunity to bid on some retired work trucks at the gas plant where my Dad works. I bid on three of them and felt quite sure that I was going to win one of them because they were all Ford trucks and God was going to answer my prayer for a truck because I was willing to praise Him for whatever He gave me. Bids went in and were tallied and I did not win.

I was a bit confused, but I just took a minute and prayed and told God that it was OK. I figured that He wanted me to continue to trust Him that my old truck would just keep running until I could get something else or He would provide another way. I started to get ready to put old Black Beauty back on the road.

This past Tuesday my Dad called and asked if I would like to go look at a 1997 Chevy Blazer. I went and after the test drive he asked me what I thought of it. I figured he was going to give me a loan for it and I would pay him back. It was a bit scary because it was more than I thought I would be able to pay off in a short period of time. I told him it would take me a while to pay him back, and then he told me that he was going to buy it for me. You could have knocked me over with a feather! I now have a really nice Blazer that should last me several years, and it didn't cost me anything!

I see now that God had a plan the entire time. I fight with pride quite a bit, and I like to have things the way I want them. There were a lot of times that I wanted to just chuck the whole thing and go buy something and worry about the rest of it later, but God had a plan. He wanted me to learn to rely on Him and be willing to be happy for what I am given. I can honestly say that this gift from my Dad means more to me than anything I have been given by him before. The reason is that I know it was a gift from God and that He used my Dad to do it. I think the best part of it is that at the end of it all I was able to have a Chevy!

So, I will try to post a picture of it later. Things are a little busy right now. Signing off for today!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

At the Lodge!

Greetings to both of you! Maybe I am being a bit optimistic! Oh well, I write to make myself happy! Speaking of happy, I am! I am on vacation this week, and it is great! I know that next week is going to feel like 5 days of kicks to the groin, but at least right now I am sitting in a room at the Great Wolf Lodge in TC and the best part is I got it for less than half price! Well, I should say that having relatives that can get you a military discount is a very cool thing!

So, since last I wrote there has not been a whole lot going on. I am once again looking at getting a truck to replace black beauty, and it is probably going to be a four-letter f-word. I know, what is this world coming to. Well, it comes down to price and availability. I have little to no money, and that is what these trucks cost, and one might be available. So, I guess I will just look at it as God is teaching me something. Even Naman had to go down into the filthy river in order to receive God's blessing!

The kids are doing well in school, and it has really been a blessing to watch Zach and how he is not afraid to share his faith. He got into a 2nd grade level theological debate with a little Jehovah's witness girl the other day, and he really held his own. I know it made an impression on the little girl because she came to school the next day and told him that her mom said he better not talk about her religion anymore or he would be in trouble.

Couple of things. First of all he did not talk about her religion, he just defended his own and quite well if I do say so. Second, why is it that people do not understand what tolerance really means? I am teaching my kids what the Bible says and part of that is to respect another persons right to believe what they want. We are not to force people into our beliefs, but neither are we to back down if someone disagrees with us. Tolerance is saying I do not agree with you, but you are free to make your own choice. Too many people today think that tolerance means rolling over and compromising what you believe in order not to offend somebody. HOGWASH!

Anyway, it has been cool to be able to see my kids stand up for Jesus now that they are out "in the world". There have been a lot of people who disagreed with our decision to move them to public school, but I feel more and more confident that this was the right thing to do. I am not walking around with my head in the sand. I do realize that there are things that they will come in contact with that I truly wish they would not, but at least when these issues come up they are coming home and talking with us about them. We have had some wonderful discussions at supper about some of these things, and I look forward to more!

Well, gonna sign off now. I hope it will not be another month before I write again! Take care and have a good one!