Tuesday, November 28, 2006

What is up with the weather?

Well, it is the 28th of November and today we reached a high of 50 degrees! That is also the expected high for tomorrow. Now, I do not want to sound ungrateful because I am not, but this is weird! It was colder than this a month ago, and we had almost a foot of snow on the ground. If I had known this was how things would turn out I think I would have put off the entire yard work thing! At least it made putting up the Christmas lights a little easier.

So far there have been no takers on coming up for a name for the new ride. I got the last of my stuff moved over from the other care tonight and now I am all moved in! Everything I need is there with the exception of a CD player. I might try hitting some of the junk yards and see what I can find.

I guess that is about all I have to really say today. There are a lot of things going on, but I do not really feel like getting into some of them in the blog - things people write in blogs tend to come back to bite you in your hindparts if you are not careful! Well, take care if you are even there!

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