Thursday, November 09, 2006

At the Lodge!

Greetings to both of you! Maybe I am being a bit optimistic! Oh well, I write to make myself happy! Speaking of happy, I am! I am on vacation this week, and it is great! I know that next week is going to feel like 5 days of kicks to the groin, but at least right now I am sitting in a room at the Great Wolf Lodge in TC and the best part is I got it for less than half price! Well, I should say that having relatives that can get you a military discount is a very cool thing!

So, since last I wrote there has not been a whole lot going on. I am once again looking at getting a truck to replace black beauty, and it is probably going to be a four-letter f-word. I know, what is this world coming to. Well, it comes down to price and availability. I have little to no money, and that is what these trucks cost, and one might be available. So, I guess I will just look at it as God is teaching me something. Even Naman had to go down into the filthy river in order to receive God's blessing!

The kids are doing well in school, and it has really been a blessing to watch Zach and how he is not afraid to share his faith. He got into a 2nd grade level theological debate with a little Jehovah's witness girl the other day, and he really held his own. I know it made an impression on the little girl because she came to school the next day and told him that her mom said he better not talk about her religion anymore or he would be in trouble.

Couple of things. First of all he did not talk about her religion, he just defended his own and quite well if I do say so. Second, why is it that people do not understand what tolerance really means? I am teaching my kids what the Bible says and part of that is to respect another persons right to believe what they want. We are not to force people into our beliefs, but neither are we to back down if someone disagrees with us. Tolerance is saying I do not agree with you, but you are free to make your own choice. Too many people today think that tolerance means rolling over and compromising what you believe in order not to offend somebody. HOGWASH!

Anyway, it has been cool to be able to see my kids stand up for Jesus now that they are out "in the world". There have been a lot of people who disagreed with our decision to move them to public school, but I feel more and more confident that this was the right thing to do. I am not walking around with my head in the sand. I do realize that there are things that they will come in contact with that I truly wish they would not, but at least when these issues come up they are coming home and talking with us about them. We have had some wonderful discussions at supper about some of these things, and I look forward to more!

Well, gonna sign off now. I hope it will not be another month before I write again! Take care and have a good one!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hey Tom!

Sorry to hear about Clyde. I like how you handled Zach's question about dogs in heaven.

Glad to hear the kids are doing good. It is always uplifting to hear stories about kids standing up for what they believe. I can remember Kim telling me stories about Jacob and Caleb.

Have fun at the Great Wolf Lodge -- give Tammi and the kids a big hug for me -- along with one for yourself. I miss ya!