Sunday, April 13, 2008

New blog

Well, I have moved, and there will be no more elfin magic. You can now find me blogging at Xanga under HideManorMusings. I know, the use of the word musing might lead people to think that there are deep thoughts to be found here, but I would not get my hopes up. Goodbye blogger. See you in Xanga-land!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It may be time to say goodbye...

I know I have not been one to blog a large number of posts, and it doesn't take up a great deal of my time, but I might be signing off this blog sometime in the near future. Some of it is because I have too many g-mail things that I have to work with, and they have certainly not made things very easy to switch back and forth between accounts. I have seen a few of the Xanga sites, and I am curious as to how user friendly they are. I am probably going to be setting up an account with them as a test to see if I would enjoy that experience a bit more.

Fret not, I will not only let you know of my departure from the realms of blogger, but I will also give a link to my new and hopefully often updated blog. For now, I say, "Until then..."


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Greetings and Updates

I know it has been a bit since I have been here, but I have a good reason - I have had a lot of other stuff to do. I didn't say it was an exciting reason! Anyway, here are a couple of nuggets.

Tammi's test result on her neck have come back as non-diagnostic. Basically that just means that they don't know what is going on in there. We are waiting for a call fromthe doctor to see what he recommends from this point. We are still praying for no surgery, but we are not sure what the guy with the MD says.

Work has been very (Insert the sound of a bronx cheer). I am doing very well as far as hitting my numbers, though. As of today I am still the #1 guy in the state of Michigan in budget performance. If only that counted! Anybody got any ideas for a new career?

Kids are doing well. Jessica was in the regional spelling bee and unfortuantely was not the winner, but she did a very good job on her first time out. We were proud!

Well, I am going to go now, but before I do I will make a plug for the other blog that I am woking on more than this one lately. We have started one for our Sunday School class. So far I am pretty sure that I am the only one who is actually reading it (if you count proof-reading). It has prayer request and praise information on it, and from time to time it will have pics and activity info. You can find it if you look right here.

Well, Gonna run! Later!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just a peek!

Well, I don't have enough time to give you a big look into what has been going on, but here is a peek.

I have cut back on some stuff at church including stepping down as a deacon. I am not leaving the church or upset with anyone, I am just flat worn out. The amount of things I have been involved in have continued to grow to a point that I was not getting sleep because I would lie in bed and think all night about what I was not giving enough time to. I am still teaching Sunday School and working in AWANA and the sound room. I know, this is cutting back? All I can say is I am sleeping better!

Tammi has a lump on her thyroid that we are going to go see a surgeon about. She had this about 7 years ago, but it has come back and is a bit different this time. All early indications point toward this being no big deal, but it might require that she have part of her thyroid removed. Please keep her in prayer as she does not want to end up having to take medication for it.

Zachary has glasses! He has been squinting a lot lately, and after going to see the doc we have found out that he is nearsighted. Wonder where he gets it from? Mom & Dad both wear glasses or contacts too! Anyway, he got some really cool blue frames and thinks they make him look smarter.

Jessica is just continuing to roll along as her sweet self. She continues to improve at school, and she is starting to see, at least in a small way, that Mathematics is our friend! We have been very fortunate to have such a smart, sweet kid.

Work is work. There are some things that have changed to make my Fridays a bit better, and I am hoping that in another month or so I will finally have this route all figured out and then I can start to see it grow. It just takes some time to get people figured out and make them see that they can trust me.

Well, gonna run. Your peek is up, and I am starting to feel like you are staring at me!!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Holy Cow! It's 2008!

I can't believe that another year has come and gone. 2008 is now over half way through its first month, and I am just getting over Christmas! Things have, as usual, been very busy here at Hide Manor. Just a few high points.

Tammi has been working a bit more lately. Some of this is due to a major payroll screw up with my company resulting in a docked paycheck for me for the entire year. They have worked it out as equitably as possible, but it has generated a need for a little bit extra. She is enjoying it so far, and has finally been given the opportunity to fill in for a mid-wife clinic in the near future. She is very excited!

Zachary just had some teeth pulled to make room for his new teeth. He pulled through like a trooper, and we are very proud of how he did. It seems that the Tanner genes produce large teeth and a small mouth. I know that people don't believe it, but it is true. I have a small mouth and had to have teeth removed too. I know, everybody is just thinking that my teeth must be abnormally huge to fit a big mouth. Anyway, he has recovered and is doing well.

Jessica is her normal sweet self. She just did her first PowerPoint for a school project. Now when she sees me working on one I expect she will come up and offer a few pointers to the poor old man.

Work has had another change for me with a new territory. This route is working a lot better, at least I think it will when I finally get to run it for a normal week or two. With the holidays and a few schedule hiccups I haven't had the opportunity yet to figure out the best way to do it. I think it will work out in the long run. Also I have put in for a promotion to District Manager. I am not sure that I really want it, but I am going to leave it up to God. I think it will cause some more headaches, and I am not sure that I have the time to do it all, but I guess if God wants me to have it then He will work out all of that other stuff. Either way, I am leaving it up to Him and I will be thankful for however it turns out.

I have been really working lately to find the right path that God has for me. There are a lot of things going on that I will not get into, but I am looking for some guidance and I have been finding a lot of peace in the Bible. Last night I went to bed with a lot of stuff on my mind, and I didn't exactly sleep very well, but it was neat how every time I woke up rather than lying there and stewing or fretting, a verse would pop into my head reminding me that God is in control of what is happening, and He wants what is best for me. Every time I woke up I would hear a verse in my head and go right back to sleep. That was really nice.

Well, I'm gonna run for now. I might get a chance to post again today, but if not, tune in from time to time and see if there is any new elfin magic!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well, the time of year is once again upon us. We have been out with the masses (many of them unwashed) dropping our debit cards left and right in order to bring the love of Jesus home and to extended family by giving away shiny stuff. Those darn wise men made it rough on everybody! Oh well, I usually get some neat stuff too.

We are spending the day with the in-laws today. We have had a pretty good time. Zach came away from it feeling like he hit the jackpot, and Jessica got enough new books to keep the average 6th grader tied up for at least four months. I expect she will finished by Thursday. Tammi got some nice stuff, and I came away feeling like a big winner. I got a really nice picture to hang over my new computer desk.

We got a new desk this summer, and we now have an empty wall above it. Tammi saw this as an affront to her innate decorating abilities, and immediately set out on a quest to remedy this travesty. I was able to reign her in and get her to wait until I could find the piece I wanted to hang above the desk. I could see the fear in her eyes as she pictured a fender from a wrecked Nextel Cup car hanging there above the desk which is in a corner of our living room facing the couch. I consoled her and said I didn't know what I wanted, but I would know when I saw it.

After much searching, I came across the right picture in Rainbow bookstore. It is a picture of an old farmhouse that has been just stuck to a black board. It is a very simple picture, but it ties in with the black desk, the room decor, and my love for old barns and farmhouses. I knew it was what I wanted. Well, Tammi's mother wanted to know if I would be offended by getting a gift of cash for Christmas. When I was asked I said that would be fine, because I would then use it toward buying the picture. Long story short, tomorrow when I get home from work I am hanging my new picture because she went and bought it for me. Very cool.

It is nice to get what we want for Christmas. There have been many times we don't get what we want, but if we are honest, we quite often do get something that someone who loves us thinks we really need. That is what happened at the first Christmas. The gift we got might not make the top ten list of most wanted Christmas gifts, but it was something that we need. God gave us His Son at that first Christmas. We needed Him to save us from the sin in our lives. It might not be something that we see the need for at a certain time, but that doesn't change the fact that we need Jesus in our lives.

Two weeks ago tomorrow, Tammi realized that she had lived her whole life without having Jesus in her heart. After 36 years she made the decision. It wasn't easy for her. She was afraid of what people might think of her. She was afraid of what people might think of her parents. There were so many things that she could allow to keep her from that need that she had. Finally she realized it, and is now born again without a doubt in her mind.

It would be an understatement to say that I am very happy. I can honestly say that I would gladly have nothing else for Christmas save the fact that my everyone under my roof is on their way to heaven. It is a feeling that goes farther than the joy we can receive from even the shiniest of gifts. It is eternal peace. There is no greater gift than the salvation we have through Jesus.

If there is anyone out there who might ever read this and wonder about a need in their own life, I pray that they would find someone who can talk to them, or contact me, and I would be happy to correspond. Take the gift that started it all. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Nothing on Earth Is Constant Except Change

Well, I got word last night that my route will be changing again after the first of the year. I am going to be getting rid of a few of my new stores, and that is both good and bad.

I won't have Charlevoix, or Boyne City, and that is a good thing because I have not been able to really make any type of connection there. I think in time it would come, but these stores seem to be more headache than anything else. Lewiston will also be going away, and that is fine, as they are again, a store that just never seems to open up and welcome a person. I had that store for three years before, and it was the same way then.

On the down side I will be losing Alpena. This is a double-edged sword. I hate the drive, but I love the people. I really think that this next year would have been really big over there as I worked with those stores. I will miss the chance to see what could have been.

I will be getting Bellaire back for sure, and I will be picking up Houghton Lake, Roscommon, and a couple other stores. I'm not sure which ones, but I hope they will be productive. One nice thing is that I will have a store manager in Houghton Lake that I used to have years ago, and we always got along very well. I look forward to doing business with him again. Also, by going to Bellaire again I will be able to see my cousin Jodi at work there. I called her last night to tell her and she was very excited.

Well, gonna go do some Christmas shopping. Need to do what I can to keep the local economy rolling along! Take care!