Sunday, April 13, 2008

New blog

Well, I have moved, and there will be no more elfin magic. You can now find me blogging at Xanga under HideManorMusings. I know, the use of the word musing might lead people to think that there are deep thoughts to be found here, but I would not get my hopes up. Goodbye blogger. See you in Xanga-land!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It may be time to say goodbye...

I know I have not been one to blog a large number of posts, and it doesn't take up a great deal of my time, but I might be signing off this blog sometime in the near future. Some of it is because I have too many g-mail things that I have to work with, and they have certainly not made things very easy to switch back and forth between accounts. I have seen a few of the Xanga sites, and I am curious as to how user friendly they are. I am probably going to be setting up an account with them as a test to see if I would enjoy that experience a bit more.

Fret not, I will not only let you know of my departure from the realms of blogger, but I will also give a link to my new and hopefully often updated blog. For now, I say, "Until then..."
