Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Here's my lights

Well, I got the lights up. It is a very busy week and there are a lot of things going on I cannot get into right now. Just suffice it to say that people need to realize that there are big differences between a biblical doctrine, a biblical convition, and a personal conviction. God, please have Your will and change the hearts that need changed. Meanwhile, please strngthen those that need it!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

What is wrong with this picture?

I am wondering what is going on. Here it is, Saturday, and I am not going somewhere or doing anything other than spending the day here at home basically doing things I want to do! I must be dreaming! I am going to finally get my Christmas lights up this afternoon, and then we will have a quiet evening at home together. I guess my Christmas came early!

Lots going on this next week though. AWANA, Deacon Meeting, Wednesday night church, and then Friday the big Christmas program at the kids school. I am not sure what will be going on next weekend, so I am going to sign off and enjoy the one that I have right now! Later!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I Hear Those Sleigh Bells Jinglin'

Well, it looks like we are in for a white Thanksgiving. The weather service has announced that we will see about a foot of snow starting Wednesday night through the Turkey Day. Will this be enough to keep families apart? One can only sit and wait and see. I found out today that we now get to have the day to ourselves until the evening get-together at my parents. I can hardly wait! A day to sleep in and I don't have to do nothin' except for prepare for a Sunday School lesson, put songs in the computer for Sunday, work on some home finances... Crap, there went my day!

Today was a good day at work. I enjoy the days when I don't feel all that busy but things just fall into place and I have a really nice day. Sales were about 50% higher than I thought they would be. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow. It is so cool to pray and tell Him that I need something and He delivers. There are days I think He delivers, but don't pull my end of the deal. Today we both did it right. I still need a couple of good days this week, but I am in a much better position than I thought I would be.

I had a chat with a girl today who is going to her new boyfriends house for the holiday. It is an awkward visit for her since she and her boyfriend both just left their spouses for each other. Most of the family on each side is not pleased with how things went. She asked me to be thinking of her on Thursday ( I think that in her own way she was asking me to pray for her), I said sure! I'm thinking that will be one interesting dinner.

I am sitting here making an MP3 disk for Tammi to play. It has every Christmas CD that we own on it. That's right. Approximately 18 hours of the best the holiday has to offer. She has broken the rule and started playing it a little early this year. I ask that she hold till after Turkey Day, but hey I love her what am I going to do? Besides she is looking over my shoulder as I type!

Well, I am on my last disk now, so I will sign off. Should be back in a day or so to share my experiences of fighting off the hordes of people who just realized that Thanksgiving is on a Thursday this year!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Here I Sit

Well, it is Monday night and I am already beat this week. It has started out with a whole lot of work, and it looks like that will be the trend the entire week.

Very busy weekend. Lots of stuff going on for church this weekend, and that translates to a lot of extra work at home. I am teaching Sunday School for a young adults class, and it really takes some time to put a lesson together so I don't get up there and sound like a blithering idiot. Well, some may say that I need to spend some more time, but I am giving it a good effort. My goal is to see the class put forth some more effort. It is hard when you are planning on some conversation and all you get is blank stares. Oh well, I hope it gets better!

This is a short week at work. With the holiday I have to work even harder Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday if I am going to have a decent paycheck from the week. Also it is the end of year marathon to try to get your number in for the bonus. I need a lot of prayer because I am sitting squarely behind the 8-ball and it doesn't look good. I will do my best though. Sometimes I do thin kI need to be looking for a part time job that I can do from home. A little extra income would really be handy with the holidays coming.

We got a call today from the dentist that our daughter Jessica is going to have to have NINE, yes I said NINE teeth pulled in the next three months. Her poor little mouth isn't growing fast enough to let her new big old beaver teeth get in straight. We were pretty bummed to hear it. Especially me, since Iwent through the same thing when I was a kid.

WEll, I guess I am going to sign off for the night. It would be nice to see a comment on my posts. Idon't know if I am writing this just to waste time or if there is anyone out there that is even remotely interested in my life!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

It's Beginning to look a lot like...

Well, it has happened. Usually Mother Nature lets us dip our toes in the water of a Northern Michigan snowfall. Not this year. She snuck up behind us, picked us up and therew us into the deep endof the pool! We got a little over a foot here at the homestead. School was called off almost everywhere. There were a couple of schools that had delays, but it was pretty nasty on the roads until late this afternoon.

I had a long meeting yesterday. The main topic of the meeting was DOT requirements. It was interesting that I have been working for these people for over six years, driving their equipment the entire time, and yesterday was the first comprehensive training on DOT regulations and procedures I have ever had! I can honestly say I learned something at a district meeting! This has not happened since........

Anyway, the Nazi elf from Motown did not show up. There was much rejoicing from the other elves and we chowed down on pizza. Then it was a nice drive home with white knuckles gripping the wheel while the wind tried to fling me into the ditch. Overall not a bad day.

It is really getting Christmasy though. The trees are very pretty and laiden with much snow. I am very impressed with how the house looks. We painted it this year, and it really looks nice against the fresh white snow. I had opportunity to look at it from every side of the house as I shoveled all the snow from our porches and the dog kennel and the garage doors and the birdhouses and the potty area for Queen Polly the house dog. This dog does not want to go outside to take a leak if there is snow in her designated potty spot, but if you let her out any other door she will run through the stuff like she is part polar bear. DUMB DOG!

Well, gonna run. We are going to be heading into town to see the local charity Christmas Tree Auction. Should be a hoot!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Just checking in

I will post a longer post tomorrow night to vent after what is sure to be a long and drawn out district meeting with the Nazi elf from Motown. I know that no matter how well the meeting goes there will be something that makes me want to throw a chair out the window and make an escape over broken glass. Keep the visual!

Monday, November 14, 2005

First time for photos

This is my first attempt at loading a picture on my blog. I wanted to see how easy it really is. Zach and Jess really miss McKenzie, although Zach did say that she was hard on his back! Today was a very nice day at work. It was nice to have a day when you work hard and actually make some money for it. Lately it has been work really hard moving things around and make nothing for all the effort.

I was told today that there will be a meeeting for our district on Wednesday. At said meeting my chief antagonist Bruce is going to give us all some type of a challenge. this will be followed up by all of us going out to my van to do a DOT inspection with some chick from the big office in Flake Town. So, I need to make sure that all of my lights are working and that the kids haven't been playing with my road flares!

Really good weekend at church. Pastor gave a great message Sunday morning. Some people did not like the fact that he charged full speed ahead and ran over some toes, but I thought ut was very well done. I got mine stepped on a bit too, and frankly, they needed it! Sunday School was surprisingly good, yes I taught the class, but the people were actually involved. It is nice to look out and see people paying attention. A lot of times it is like looking at an aquarium without the movement!

Well gonna run. Hopefully my pic shows up!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

These two guys

These two guys walk into a bar. The first one says "ouch!" The other one just falls over. That is it for today. Just wanted to say I posted something as trivial as it was. Very busy day. I have been home for a grand total of 1hour and 45 minutes since 5:00 am. I'm beat. Later!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Just a test

Just a test!

I am trying out the new blog from word add-in for Microsoft Word.  If this works I will be able to post without being on line for the entire time I type.  As a dial-up user this saves me time and money!  Yep I’m a cheapo!  Not that anybody is noticing!

Friday, November 04, 2005

I'm back, and only the name has been changed!

Well, I'm back! I guess Blogger decides if you don;t post then your blog dies. I tried repeatedly to get it back on, but to no avail. So I am back with a new name to protect the innocent. So much for witness protection! Anyway, good day today. I spread elfin cheer all over Northern Michigan. After I got that mopped up I came home to be kicked out of my house so a Pampered Chef show can take place. I say kicked out, but I really mean I will be running away as quickly as possible in order to avoid the dangerous levels of estrogen that will infect my environment.

Bad weekend ahead. My buddy, Art, and his family are going to move to New Jersey Monday. So, I am hanging out with him tonight and then tomorrow we will help them pack. Sunday we will say goodbye. This sucks! This is why I hate getting close to anyone. I have had so much fun with him and now I need to find someone else I can just "be a guy" with. Auditions will be held on Friday afternoons for the next three weeks, the benefit package is a little weak, but I do have a cookie truck parked in my yard! Wages are negotiable.

Well, I guess I will log off for now. I need a shower. The magic oven was smoking today and I think I have some pixie dust between my toes! Later!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Does this work? If it does I might finally start posting again!