Friday, March 17, 2006

One Big Step

Well, I am about to leave the house to do something I have not done in a long time. I am going to the bank to make the final payment on our van. Tomorrow when I wake up it will be the first day in almost twelve years I have not had a car loan. I cannot even begin to say how happy this makes me.

I have also had to make a decision about the truck I am going to be bidding on. Old "Black Beauty" has been running okay, and I have decided to "throw out a fleece". I am still going to bid on the truck, but I am going to bid much lower than I had originally intended. I want to know that if I win the truck it is because God wanted me to have it. My original intent had been to bid aggressively for it since it is a good deal, but now I am thinking maybe God has a better idea. What if He wants me to use the money I would put toward the truck to pay my debt down some more?

It is hard to know exactly what is the right thing to do, but I am going to make a very conservative attempt at the truck. I figure I will win if it is of God, and if I don't then I will trust Him to keep old "Black Beauty" running until I am in a little bit better shape to look into another truck. Sometimes you just would like to see a billboard that tells you exactly what you should do.

Anyway, big steps are being taken here. To anybody who might be reading this, I think readership has slipped a tad, keep us in prayer as we plod on. When we think about how long it will take to fix this it can be depressing, but it took almost twelve years for it to get this bad, we can't expect it to clear up overnight.

God Bless!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

A Pretty Good Week

Well, I can't remember the last time I could say that I had a pretty good week! We tried to stay a little bit more low profile and it gave us a chance to be a family again. Felt really good! We were also able to get together with Pastor and Kim Thursday night and that was a nice time just relaxing and having a nice talk.

The work week was very busy, as the Lord just keeps blessing things there. I have been praying for extra business in order to help our finances, and He is definitely blessing! I am now asking for the strength and discipline to be able to do my job the right way as the busier things get the easier it is to cut corners. I do not want to mess things up now that they are going this well!

Friday morning I was driving up to Gaylord while listening to Northen Christian Radio and I received another blessing. I had signed up for their weekly e-mail newsletter, and I guess they have a drawing of the names of those who sign up and give them a prize. Well, they called my name and I won a set of tickets to the Gaither Homecoming at the Palace on April 8th. I was completely shocked! Tammi is pretty excited about it too. So, now we are going to get everything in line so we can go down and have a great time listening to some fantastic music and just enjoy being a part of a large group of people who want to praise God!

Tomorrow is sunday, and it is the last week of the study we are doing on geting to know your pastor. I have really enjoyed the book, and it has been interesting to see some of the pressures and concerns that a pastor has. I know it is not a job I want. It is more than just the long hours and the hard work, it is the responsibility that he has to God for the church body. At least God is watching and He knows the hearts of the congregation and will also hold them accountable for their actions toward the pastor as well.

Anyway, the next study we are going to do will be "Eight Essentials to Becoming More Like Christ". I am looking forward to this one because it is something I want to learn more about. That is the best part of teaching a class. You end up getting to learn more than the class does! The time studying is a real blessing.

Well, I need to go and get a PowerPoint show ready for Tammi for church tomorrow. Talk to all three of you later!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Making a change

Well, things are definitely a changing here in Hide Manor (Tanner House). We have finally taken the big step we needed to take. We cut up all of our credit cards and are for the first time serious about gettting out of debt. The road is not going to be short, but we are confident that God is going to meet our needs.

One thing I have decided is to chuck the Dave Ramsey method and switch to a more biblical approach as presented by Crown Financial. I will admit that a lot of the methods used are similar, but with Crown the focus is on us being the stewards we are supposed to be with the money that God gives us. I am really excited about this and I feel like we are finally going to make it this time. I have a lot of things that I want to do someday, and this is our first step.

Cool, that is the first time I have inserted a link! Man, life is going so sweet!

Anyway, business has been very good considering the time of year. I have been praying for extra business, and it just keeps coming. I even have to admit that I am almost busier than I can handle! God is so good!

The kids are doing well, Zach just lost his second tooth, and Jessica has recently had a total of 8 teeth pulled! After that she was sick with strep throat, but now we are all finally on the mend. We are looking forward to the spring so we can all get out of the house and enjoy being healthy.

Well, I guess that is it for now. I will just leave you with a little funny.